Lucent Sky AVM 3.1 released
February 01, 2016
Lucent Sky AVM 3.1 focuses on bringing refined controls to the web UI and enabling users to fine-tune scanning behaviors. Also included are management features such as usage logging and more visibility on licensed application scope.
New features in Lucent Sky AVM 3.1 include:
- Refined scan settings on the web UI - Users will be able to directly select the entry project of a scan, as well as ability to enable or disable treating public methods as entry points.
- Management logs - Management logs contain information about CRUD actions on entities such as projects, scans, users and groups. As of version 3.1, logs are stored in text files under a directory where CLEAR Engine is installed. Syslog support will be added in a future release.
- More details about application scope - Starting in version 2.6, lines of code and size of 3rd-party libraries are used to calculate LOCe (line of code equivalent), a new way of determining an application’s scope. In version 3.1, we are including more information in scan summary and reports about how the LOCe is calculated for a particular scan. We also whitelisted additional common 3rd-party libraries from being counted against the LOCe.
Updating to 3.1
If you are using Lucent Sky AVM Standard or Enterprise (either on-premise and cloud), you can update to Lucent Sky AVM 3.1 immediately. Our support team will reach out to you shortly to schedule an update. If you are using Lucent Sky AVM On-Demand, your server will be updated to Lucent Sky AVM 3.1 in the next few days.